What industry guides or publications have featured A2000 software?

We’ve been fortunate to be represented in software reviews by Capterra and Software Advice, as a well as having been highly rated by Apparel Magazine.

Does A2000 software work with Quickbooks or Excel?

Our ERP fashion/apparel software system has its own fully-integrated finance module that can actually replace the need to maintain a separate online accounting system.  A2000 has a very simple to use import/export utility, so information flow with Excel is simple.

How will the A2000 apparel ERP software help me with my inventory tracking?

A key component of A2000 Software is the ability to track inventory in real time. Since all of our modules have been built within the same system you can see any and all data as it flows throughout the system immediately so you will be able to get a true picture of your current position.

What if I have questions after my A2000 fashion ERP software is installed?

he team of experts at GCS are here to fully support you.  Our project managers are experts at getting customers up and running on the software quickly and seamlessly, but should you have additional questions afterward, we have a full support team that is here to help.  We’ll get you on track!

Can I demo the A2000 Fashion ERP Software for free?

Yes!  We love to show off our award-winning ERP software and walk you through how it can save you both time and money across your entire operation.  Click HERE to schedule your free demo

How long does it take to install and set up my new fashion ERP system?

As each client is unique, the installation process is defined by your business and specific requirements.  It’s important to allow the right amount of time for each client.  Implementation time will depend upon how many modules you plan to set up initially, along with additional variables such as the number of suppliers, locations, users, etc. We… Continue reading How long does it take to install and set up my new fashion ERP system?

Does GCS A2000 Software offer service outside of New York?

Absolutely!  Our customers are nationwide, with a healthy concentration in the fashion centers of Manhattan, NY and Los Angeles, CA.  While many of our long-time customers are in NY or LA, we sell and service our fasion ERP software across the entire US.

Can I use the GCS A2000 ERP system for businesses other than apparel?

Possibly!  The GCS A2000 ERP system was designed specifically for the fashion industry. It’s perfectly suited for: We also work with some peripheral industries, so give us a call to see if there is a fit for your company.

Do I have to use all the ERP modules?

No, you can turn on the only modules you need most at first, and then scale up to include additional modules as needed

How many modules are included with the A2000 ERP system

The GCS A2000 ERP system includes a total of nine fully-integrated modules:​